Thursday, March 31, 2011

Title Explanation

Well, I finally did it. I broke down and started a blog. I guess the reason I'd been putting it off is that I wanted it to be a good representation of myself as a writer. Recently, I thought up a title I actually liked, and a few ideas for blog posts have been rolling around in my head, so I figured it was time. Here goes.

As much as I hate the postmodern usage of parentheses to convey opposing meanings at the same time, I felt it was an appropriate way to describe my relationship to writing. On the one hand, I am one of those anxious writers, too scared to approach the blank computer screen for fear that it won't come out right, it won't be good, or (worse still) that nothing will come out at all. So I stay away from writing creatively for a while, fritter away my time doing useless or mundane tasks, and all the while I have this nagging voice in the back of my head telling me I need to write. I must get my thoughts out there in whatever way I can. So outweighing my fear of my writing not being good enough is the greater fear of what will happen if I stop writing. Becoming a published writer has been my dream since I was about six. And if I don't write somewhere, I may never get the courage to keep on writing when I finish school.

I envision this blog as a way to work through my fears about writing, encourage others, and hopefully, gain some confidence as I post my work for the world (or maybe just my friends on the internet) to see. My posts will contain a combination of thoughts about writing, experiences with teaching writing, and excerpts from my fiction and maybe some nonfiction journal-type entries that may or may not become parts of essays or stories.

Enjoy and feel free to comment. 


  1. I, for one, am very excited about this.

  2. I have the same issue. I love journals and seem to have a collection of empty ones as I want whatever I write to be perfect--worthy of the beauty of the book in which its written--so for fear of failing to meet the mark, I fail to make a mark.

  3. Angela-exactly! Writing "worthy of the beauty of the book in which it is written" often prevents me from using nice journals. On the other hand, I will freely scribble in a spiral notebook because it's less intimidating.

  4. Glad to share that fear with someone whose writing I respect! (Oh, and the Google connect thing used my full name from the GC&SU e-mail, but please, call me Angie. Need to find out how to add a photo, I guess.)
